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Introducing Drafts

Oct 23rd, 2016 Mr., Facebook, Announcement


Have you ever wanted to reuse your old posts? Have you ever wanted to create an incomplete post and go back to it later? You can now do all these using Publer's new Superpower: Drafts!



Besides being able to (auto) schedule or post right away, you now have the option to save your posts. That's what a draft is. It's just a saved post.


How To Create Drafts


Creating drafts is really easy. Create your post (status update, link, photo, multi-photo post, album, video or offer) and instead of (Auto) Scheduling, Reposting or Publishing right away, click the Save as Draft button. Keep in mind that for drafts you don't need to select any accounts before hand.


In case you didn't notice, we decided to reorganize and redesign the action buttons. The Schedule and AutoScheduled buttons are grouped together and so are the Post Now and Repost buttons. This way the actions you can take on a post are much cleaner and take up less space. You can always switch the default buttons by clicking the ? icon in the dropdown menu.



How To Use, Edit & Delete Drafts


Back to the drafts. In the Schedule Manager section we added a new tab called "Saved Drafts". This is where you will find all your saved drafts as well as the drafts saved by other members of the team you're part of.


After you found the draft you were looking for, simply hover over it and you will see the Use Draft button on the bottom right corner. If you click it, the post creator form will be filled with the info from your draft. You can then select the Social Accounts where you want to post to (if you haven't already done so) and (auto) schedule or publish your "new" post. You can always make any last changes before scheduling / posting it.


Your draft will still be saved even after you use it. To delete or even edit a saved draft, hover over it and you will see two small icons on the top right corner. The first one is for editing the draft and the second one is for deleting it as shown below.


Update (Oct 2017)


It is now possible to save drafts in bulk!






Do Drafts Come With The Free Version 

Yes. You can have up to 50 saved drafts with the free version. Paid plans let you save unlimited number of drafts.



Can I See/Use Drafts Saved By Other Team Members 

Yes. In the "Saved Drafts" tab you will find all your saved drafts as well as the drafts saved by other members of the team you're part of.



How Can I Convert A Scheduled Posts Into A Saved Draft

Simply duplicate your scheduled post by clicking the middle button on the top right corner. Save your "new" post as a draft and voila! Keep in mind that once a scheduled post is published, it is removed from your our servers and cannot be retrieved. This is why you should rely on drafts.


If you have further questions or any suggestions on how to improve drafts, don't hesitate to contact us or leave a comment below



Other Updates From This Release


  • Multi-photo posts to Facebook Groups and Events are working again! Facebook was finally able to fix the bug that caused multi-photo posts to Groups and Events to fail. Multi-photo posts to Facebook Profiles and Pages are working as usual.

  • Instead of showing you the failed posts from all the team members, we will now let you know if there are any failed posts for any of the Social Accounts on your dashboard, regardless if those were posts created by you or not. This should help you minimize the number of failures across the Social Accounts on your dashboard.

  • You can now edit scheduled multi-photo descriptions and scheduled photo album title / description

  • Bug fixes


Let us know in the comments below if you have any questions