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What are Facebook Offers

Feb 16th, 2016 Facebook


Offers help you bring people to your business. Your fans can claim it straight from Facebook and share it with their friends. If you're already familiar with Facebook Offers, learn how to Schedule them with Publer.



How Offers Work


Offers are basically discounts and promotions with an expiration date that you create from your Page. The people that see your Offer on Facebook will be able to claim it right away. They have until the expiration date you provided to redeem it. Your Offer can be redeemed in your store, online or both. If your Offer can be redeemed online, you have the options to include a redemption code/coupon in the Offer. If you include a coupon in your Offer, the user won't be able to redeem the discount without the coupon you provided. You can also set a limit or not on the number of times your Offer can be claimed. You can also provide some Terms and Conditions, i.e. "Valid for new customers only". 




What Happens When Someone Claims The Offer 


When someone claims an Offer, they will receive an email with the details about how to redeem it at your business. The email will also include your Offer's Terms and Conditions, as well as the expiration date. 24 hours before the Offer expires, they will be reminded by Facebook via a notification; another reason why you should use Facebook Offers. They're an awesome way to bring business and to keep your Fans engaged with your Page.


Can My Page Create An Offer


In order to Post/Schedule an Offer, your Page(s) need to be over 1 month old and must have at least 50 likes. Keep in mind that some Pages are not eligible to post Offers (i.e. Community Pages).



Can You Schedule Offers 


Facebook doesn't give you that option. Neither do 3rd party Apps ... well except Publer! Publer is the first and only App that lets you Schedule your Facebook Offers across multiple Pages that are eligible.


Learn how to Schedule your Facebook Offers with Publer  

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