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Creating teams and team collaborations

Mar 29th, 2019 Mr., Howto, Announcement


Social media management is much easier when done as a team, but what if you're a big marketing agency managing the social accounts of hundreds of clients?



Teams on Publer


By default, you own one team on Publer and if your plan allows, you can invite other members to it or create additional teams. You can also be part of other teams.



Think of a team as a unique container or workspace or entity having its own social accounts, members, posts and analytics. Everything you do (adding social accounts, creating posts etc), will be for the Team you're currently using.


If you have more than one team, below your name on the top right corner you will see the Team you're currently using Publer as. If you click on it, you will see "Switch teams" that will take you to the "Teams" view.



Alternatively you can go to "Teams" using the left sidebar (top menu if on mobile).



The active Team will be highlighted and you can easily switch team by clicking the "Use" button on the desired team.



Team Roles


Each team has only one owner and depending on the plan can have other members as admins or editors. Take a look at the permissions table below for each role:



View billing details


Add & delete social accounts


Add, modify & remove admins


View, add, modify & remove editors

✅ ✅  

Assign the social accounts that has access to, to other members

✅ ✅  

Modify settings for the assigned social accounts

✅ ✅  

Edit team name & picture

✅ ✅  

Approve posts for the assigned social accounts

✅ ✅  

Edit, delete & publish other member's posts for the assigned social accounts

✅  âœ…  

Full posting access on the assigned social accounts

✅ ✅ If specified by the owner or an admin

Edit, delete & publish own posts

✅ ✅ ✅

View other members posts for the assigned social accounts

✅ ✅  ✅ 

View insights for the assigned social accounts

✅  âœ… ✅ 


Each member (admin or editor) can post on the assigned social accounts as the owner or as themselves. 



  • Posting as the owner means we will use the owner's credentials to publish the member's posts. In a few words, the member doesn't necessarily need to have posting access on the actual social account.

    This is ideal if for your Facebook Page you want someone else to create the posts (a freelancer), but you don't want to give them a role on the actual Facebook Page. Or, if you're a LinkedIn influencer, you definitely don't want them to login to your LinkedIn profile just so they can post on your behalf.

  • Posting as themselves means that we will use the member's credentials to publish their posts. In a few words, the member needs to have posting access on the actual social account.

    On the Facebook example, the member needs to have at least the Editor role on the Facebook Page.



Creating Additional Teams


If you're a big marketing agency managing the social accounts of hundreds of clients, it would probably be much easier for you to manage them by setting up different teams, i.e. Team X for Client A and B, Team Y for Client C and D or even have a team for each client.


To create a new team besides the default one, simply go to Teams and click "Create Team" next to the search bar. Select a profile picture and a unique name for your team. Once created, you can start adding the social accounts and inviting other members to it.





Both paid plans offer team collaborations, unless you're a one-man show. While you won't be able to create additional teams under the free plan, there won't be any extra costs in the paid plans.


We will keep charging per social account and per additional team member. You can add the same member to multiple teams and that will still count as one additional team member.


Similarly, we will take into account the total number of social accounts you have added across teams, regardless of how many teams you have created. To prevent confusion and unexpected consequences, you won't be able to add the same social account to more than one team.

Let us know in the comments below if you have any questions